The story begins with a trip to a land far, far to the East where the Prince lived in his secret castle. Crossing through the Garden of Enchantments was the first duty on the Quest to find the Prince's Castle. A large Fortress was found for Father King the Elder and his Queen Mother of Scots. There they assembled their wisdom and their royal lineage to plot the journey to the Prince.
The first Task was to cross the Talking River in the Garden of
Enchantments. Because Father King the Elder and Queen
Mother of Scots had been given the gift of vision, they soon discovered and crossed in
to the Garden and came to theTalking
The Talking River was protected by Fin Soldiers,
who swam up the Talking River to patrol the
banks and to watch all who would seek to cross it. Passing through the Enchanted Garden, the King and Queen
kept a keen eye out for a place where the crossing could
be made.
Passing through the Singing Flowers, they met a
lone Fin Soldier Scout. To be continued...
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